Nội dung
条件完美的允准条件 : The licensing conditions of conditional perfection / 吴炳章.
// Foreign language teaching and research. 2015, Vol. 47, No.3.
// 外语教学与研究 2015, 第47卷.第1期 2015.333-344+479 p. Conditional perfection,which is a kind of information strengthening,is logically fallacious.Though it can be justified in pragmatics and cognitive linguistics,one question is hardly touched upon:why some conditionals license conditional perfection while others don’t.It is found that‘if P,Q’is a construction with P and Q being the ground and figure respectively.The semantic polarity of‘if P’enables P as background information to presuppose the true state and the false state.It follows that‘if P,Q’in natural language is configurated as‘if P is true and Q is true’and‘if P is false and Q is false’.For the configuration to work,firstly,P describes a material condition;secondly,‘if P,Q’makes a conditional commitment and a kind of trading-off relation stands between P and Q.Besides,conditional perfection is contingent on the interest situation.When the hearer is desirous of Q,positive P will be strengthened,but when he is not desirous of Q,negative P(not P)will be strengthened.