Dòng Nội dung
情理之中与预料之外:谈“并”和“又”的语法意义 = Reasonable and Unexpected:on the Grammatical Meaning of “Bing” and “You”. / Li Jin-rong. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2014, No.4.
p. 10-21.

"Bing" and "you" not only has the connection function,but also has the modal function.When expressing the connection function,they form a paratactic relationship together between the clauses.When expressing the modal function,the grammatical relations of the "bing"-sentence is transition connection,and the grammatical relations of the you-sentence does not change. "Bing" is mainly used in the narrative sentence,and "you" is often used in the causal sentences,and they both have their respective core grammatical meaning,namely "bing" indicates a reasonable situation, "you" indicates the unexpected situation.This is a unified explanation for a variety of grammatical relations of "bing" and "you".Quality standards play an important role during the process of the conjunction bleaching into the modal adverbs.Meanwhile, "bing" has a subjectivity usage which the speaker expect to,while "you" has a interaction subjectivity usage that the hearer expected to,it is a typical metalinguistic use.

话语标记“怎么着”语用探析 = A Pragmatic Analysis of Discourse Marker “Zenmezhe”. / XU Xiao-bo. // Chinese Language Learning. Hanyu xuexi . 2014, No.5.

105-112 p.

In modern Chinese,"zenmez he"is not only an interrogative pronoun,but also a discourse marker. From the aspect of pragmatic condition,its consequence sentences and the users have certain regularity. From the pragmatic model perspective,it can be used in starting turn,responding turn and feedback turn. The pragmatic function of "zenmez he"is to start a topic,reponse the topic,chang the topic and continue the topic. The core meaning of "zenmez he"is "expressing the discontent"and"guessing the conversational implicature".