Dòng Nội dung
Nhận xét về hiện tượng bất đối xứng “Ít – nhiều” / Nguyễn Vân Phổ // Ngôn ngữ 2013, Số 11 (294)

In Vietnamese, “ít” and “nhiều” are two concepts that form a continuum. “Ít” is a word indicating low quantity/ level, and “nhiều” is a word indicating high quantity/ level. Accordingly, they are considered a contrastive pair in terms of lexical meaning. However, the present paper proves that there is a semantic, syntax and pragmatic asymmetry between “ít” and “nhiều”. The remarks in the paper can be used in language teaching-learning and translation.

指示词的复杂度与指称意义、句法功能的关系——以汉语、韩语、日语为主要样例 = The Study of the Relationship between the Complexity of Demonstratives,Their References and Syntactic Functions. / Cui Jian. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2014, No.3.
p. 3-13.

This paper makes a comparison and contrast,by the data from Chinese,Korean and Japanese languages, between the complexity degree of the demonstratives, their references and the corresponding syntactic functions. In Chinese,the different syntactic and pragmatic features, introduced by different structural positions,are directly related to the alternative patterns of the demonstrative forms, while in Korean and Japanese languages, complex forms may occur in any subject or object position,since the demonstratives in the bare forms are not self-sufficient. However,it is not such a case in the attributive positions. These differences are mainly due to the variations of functional demonstratives,which are realized in terms of their different types and different functional loads.

论组合关系和聚合关系的不对称——兼论“聚合规则”作为术语的不合理性 = On the Asymmetry between Syntagmatic Relation and Paradigmatic Relation / 胡勇. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 2 (172) // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 2 // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第2卷 (172) // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第2卷

102-110 p.
