Dòng Nội dung
关联论视角下的转折复句反预期表达现象分析 = Relevance Theory and Counter-Expectation Expression of Adversative Compound Sentences. / Zhang Jianjun. // Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue. 2013, Vol. 27.

454-469 p.

This paper applies relevance theory to the analysis of counter-expectation expression of adversative compound sentences. The positive contextual effects make the new information either expectation or counter-expectation. In counter-expectation expression,the clause and the compound sentence are different,in that the former is implicature and the latter is saying. ICM is able to block the expectation interpretation,and the adversative compound sentence also meets the maximal relevance expectation. In the ostension-inference model of the adversative compound sentence,there are five ostensive elements that hint the counter-expectation information,and the hierarchy of ostensive level and processing effort. In improvisation comments,there are two laws underlying the co-occurrence of ostensive elements,which proves that relevance theory can also explain politeness phenomena. In brief,this paper represents an application of relevance theory to Chinese compound sentences.

语言隐喻的来源与理解——Deirdre Wilson与Raymond Gibbs的对话评议 = The origin and understanding of metaphor:A review of the dialogue between Deirdre Wilson and Raymond Gibbs / CHEN Xinren;the School of Foreign Studies,Nanjing University // Contemporary linnguistics. 2015, Vol. 17, No.2.
204-214+252 p.

Metaphor is one of the major issues in the domain of contemporary linguistics.Researchers have approached it from a variety of perspectives and made remarkable achievements.Recent years have witnessed an encouraging trend of dialogue and collaboration among different research paradigms,which will definitely contribute to a better theory of metaphor.This paper reviews the recent dialogue between representative figures from the camps of cognitive pragmatics and cognitive linguistics,with a view to highlighting the parallels and differences on the treatment of metaphor between relevance theory and conceptual metaphor theory,clarifying some points of collaboration and division of labor for both sides,and providing some advice for their future joint work on other linguistic issues

谈语用充实视角下的刑事判决书翻译. / 张法连; 张鲁平. // 中国翻译 ,Chinese Translators Journal 2014, Vol. 35, No.3.
北京市 : [中國外文出版發行事業局], 2014
pp 93-97.
