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Effects of corrective feedback on L2 acquisition of tense-aspect verbal morphology / Nadia Mifka-Profozic. // LIA. 2015, Vol. 6, No. 1.

In this study, the effectiveness of implicit corrective feedback was examined with a group of 30 sixteen-year-old English native speakers learning French, who received either recasts or clarification requests on errors they made with the passé composé and the imparfait. The control group did not receive any feedback. Overall, the results indicate that recasts were more effective in improving accuracy of form and use for both the passé composé and the imparfait. However, an examination of language development with reference to the Aspect Hypothesis and the inherent lexical aspect of verbs showed that no change occurred between the pretest and the posttests. The passé composé was associated exclusively with achievement verbs, whereas the imparfait was limited to several frequent irregular stative verbs and a few activity verbs.
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二语写作互动中的纠错反馈:争议与对策 = The Corrective Feedback on Second Language Writing:Controversies and Countermeasures / 李学晋 // Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies no. 1 (2017). // 语言教学与研究 no. 1 (2017).

36-44 p.

The corrective feedback of second language writing is controversial of whether corrective feedback is effective and which one,i.e.explicit or implicit feedback,can be more helpful to promote second language writing acquisition.By studying materials,the author finds the reasons of controversy as follows:the validity standards of the second language writing error correction feedback are different;the research of error correction feedback is mostly confined to the category of grammatical error correction;there is a lack of overall error correction awareness and behavior;the variables in the empirical study are not comprehensively considered.Based on the related theories,suggestions and proposals are provided.
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汉语教师和学习者对课堂纠错反馈信念和态度的比较 = Chinese Teachers and Students Beliefs and Attitudes Regarding Corrective Feedback / 祖晓梅; 马嘉俪. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2015, No.4.
吉林省延吉市 : 双月, 2015.
p. 66-75.

The mismatch between student and teacher beliefs on corrective feedback can negatively affect student satisfaction with teacher implementation of corrective feedback and hamper second language acquisition. This article provides a report of an exploratory study which investigates and compares the beliefs and attitudes of Chinese learners and teachers regarding who,what,when,how,and why to correct errors in classrooms. A total of 194 students and 67 teachers responded to 21 closedended questionnaires and three semi-structured questions. The results revealed that the students strongly favored direct and immediate corrective feedback from teachers,valued corrective feedback on grammatical errors,and preferred a rule explanation strategy. In contrast,Chinese teachers favored implicit and self-repair corrective strategies. The article also analyzes the reasons behind these belief gaps and discusses the pedagogical implications of such research.
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纠错反馈与理解回应的实证研究 = A Study on Corrective Feedback and Uptake in Chinese Classroom. / Hong Yun. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2013, No.6.
p. 105-112.

This article presents a study of corrective feedback and learner uptake in Chinese classroom at primary level.Transcripts were analyzed to compare the various moves in an error treatment sequence.Results includes the frequency and distribution of the six different feedback types used by the seven teachers,in addition to the frequency and distribution of different types of learner uptake following each feedback type.The findings indicate an overwhelming tendency for teachers to use recasts,but repetition and clarification requests lead to student-generated repair more successfully.
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纠错反馈对二语习得的作用研究述评 = Effectiveness of Corrective Feedback in Second Language Acquisition:A Review. / 祖晓梅. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2014, No. 5 (169) // 语言教学与研究 2014, 第5卷 (169)

26-34 p.

Studies of corrective feedback in second language acquisition have developed rapidly over the past 20 years and some inspiring findings have been obtained through empirical research.The paper reviews issues of effectiveness of corrective feedback in second language acquisition concerning the following three questions;1) Is corrective feedback overall effective on second language development? If so,can the effect be enduring? 2) Which type of corrective feedback is more effective? 3) How is effectiveness of corrective feedback mediated by the factors such as targeted language forms,learner differences,instructional context,and method of treatment?
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