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基于语料库的同义形容词行为特征研究 = A corpus-based behavioral profile study of six synonymous adjectives. / FANG Zichun;CHENJ ianlin.
// Foreign language teaching and research. 2014, Vol. 46, No.6.
// 外语教学与研究 2014, 第46卷.第6期 2014.842-852 p. Employing a corpus-based behavioral profile(BP)approach and using the Corpus of Contemporary American English as the source data and a multifactorial test called the hierarchical configural frequency analysis(HCFA)as a tool,this study examines the internal semantic structure of a set of six synonymous adjectives(immense,enormous,huge,massive,tremendous,and vast).Focusing on their noun collocates,predicative use and register distribution patterns,the study has identified some fine-grained semantic and usage differences among them and delineated their internal semantic structure.Moreover,some of the research findings of the study challenge several dictionary definitions of these adjectives.
徐安崇,赵大鹏. 北京 : 语文出版社, 1997647 页. ; 13 cm.