Dòng Nội dung
否定辖域及焦点否定之语义解释 = Scope of Negation and the Meaning of Focused Negation/ 刘丽萍. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2014, No. 5 (169) // 语言教学与研究 2014, 第5卷 (169)

69-78 p.

This paper discusses the scope of the negation and the meaning of focused negation.It supports an idea that the negation scope in Chinese is a c-commanding domain of negative words.Within clauses,negation will associate with focus in spite of its scope.It is argued in this paper that the semantic interpretation of negative sentences containing focus is closely related to the semantic characteristics of contrastive focus and its interaction with negation.On the basis of previous studies,this paper presents a semantic interpretation for the negative sentence with a contrastive focus,which includes:(i) assertion meaning and(ii)implicature.Besides,this paper holds that the negation is associated with focus in its implicature.

否定辖域的内在生成机制探讨 = Discussion on the Generative Mechanism of Negation. / Peng Qiong. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2014, No.4.
p. 73-79.

The scope of a negator is the whole sentence in Chinese sentential negation.The generative mechanism is that the constituent structure of a Chinese sentence should be[CP[TP[NegP[AuxP[AspP[VP]]]]]]and that all the constituents c-commanded by the negator are in the negative scope, including the logical subject and logical object based-generated in VP.As a "topic-oriented" language,Chinese has a weak nominative feature,which cannot trigger the movement of logical subject to spec-TP.The logical subject and object remain in the scope of the negator though they are raised to the positions preceding the negator,because the finite NP is moved into spec,CP through topicalization and the infinite NP is moved into spec,CP through focalization or licensed by UnivP.