Dòng Nội dung
动词“完结”范畴考察与类型学分析 = A Typological Analysis of the Telic Category of Verbs / 玄玥 // Chinese Teaching in the World vol. 31, no. 1 (2017). // 世界汉语教学 vol. 31, no. 1 (2017).

20-35 p.

Previous research analyzes the Chinese verb-resultative construction(VR)into two event structures of causal relation,taking the resultative complement as the second predicate and emphasizing its predicate character.But it is not universal to merge thepredicates of two event structures in syntax and the rules of analyses are no universal either,irrespective universality of the telic character of the verb.An investigation into the telic category in 66 languages shows that it falls into five subcategories:semantic integration,inflection,preverbal adverbial,post-verbal complement,and clause.Then the Telic Phrase Hypothesis is proposed for a uniform interpretation of the telic category in multiple languages.It is argued that all constituents of the verb telic category project the telic phrase,the differences lying with the constituent concerned,which can be a sememe,a morpheme or a word,and the generating module,which can be lexicon,morphology or syntax.Cross-linguistically,the telic category has a positive correlation with other semantic categories

形动组合顺序的认知理据 = Cognitive Motivation of the Ordering for the Combination of Adjective and Verb. / 刘振平;赵旭. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2014, No. 5 (169) // 语言教学与研究 2014, 第5卷 (169)

52-60 p.

When an adjective appears before a verb,the whole phrase is known as adverbial-head construction,in which the adjective becomes "ground" and the verb the "figure" in "Figure-Ground Theory";On the other hand,when the adjective goes after the verb to form a verb—resultative structure,it becomes "figure" and the verb becomes the "ground".In the scenario described above,the common cognitive ordering for two constructions is the "ground" preceding the "figure".Uses of adjectives are very restrictive in sentence structures and can appear only before or after the verb,and the positions are not interchangeable.The fundamental reason behind this is due to the fact that the "ground" and "figure" are irreversible.