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“产出导向法”在对外汉语教学中的应用:教学材料改编 / 桂靖; 季薇.
// 世界漢語教學=Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue 4/2018 tr. 546-554 This paper reports our initial efforts in following the principles of iEnglish based on the theory of the production-oriented approach(POA)to adapt some materials for teaching Chinese as a second language(CSL).The focus of this paper is on the process of adaptation and illustrations of detailed changes from the original materials with necessary explanations.It also discusses the implications of our adaptation practice for compiling and using CSL textbooks.
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人称代词的立场建构功能及其“立场化”走向 / 王文斌; 崔靓.
// 世界漢語教學=Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue 4/2018 tr. 495-505 自《马氏文通》发表以来,中国严格意义上的语言学研究已走过120年的历史。在这一进程中,中国语言学既受益于西方语言学的研究方法,同时也受困于西方语言学的研究范式;既成功描写了许多汉语事实,也留下了汉语的一些特殊问题难以纳入西方语言学的分析框架。《陈平语言学文选》(2017)足立本土,眼放国际,在参鉴西方语言学理论描写汉语现象的同时,能洞悉汉语的本色,对语言事实做了许多有深度的挖掘,提出了许多独到的观点,值得学界品味和参酌。
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人称代词的立场建构功能及其“立场化”走向 / 闫亚平.
// 世界漢語教學=Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue 4/2018 tr. 495-505 The great uncertainty between personal pronouns and their referents makes personal pronouns a significant and effective means of stance construction.However,their emergence mechanism and the degree of‘stance taking’vary with their different syntactic distributions and the host syntactic structures.The essence of referential shift is‘stance taking’,with the personal pronoun in ‘personal pronoun+NP’,where the two component parts are appositive and co-referential,shouldering the role of ‘stance ind... More
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作为反意外范畴标记的“还不是” / 陈禹.
// 世界漢語教學=Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue 4/2018 tr. 483-494 This paper proposes that haibushi,a convoluted expression in modern Mandarin Chinese,is a counter-mirativity marker.Counter-mirativity is independent of the categories of less-than-anticipation,expectation and counter-expectation.Then a test is designed to differentiate counter-mirativity from mirativity and non-mirativity.By virtue of the stance triangle theory,we argue that the function of counter-mirativity use is for the speaker to deliver the message of condescending by creating a stance un... More
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