Dòng Nội dung
Polar answers / N.J Enfield. // Journal of Linguistics Vol. 55, Issue 2/2019
p. 277-304

How do people answer polar questions? In this fourteen-language study of answers to questions in conversation, we compare the two main strategies; first, interjection-type answers such as uh-huh (or equivalents yes, mm, head nods, etc.), and second, repetition-type answers that repeat some or all of the question. We find that all languages offer both options, but that there is a strong asymmetry in their frequency of use, with a global preference for interjection-type answers. We propose that this preference is motivated by the fact that the two options are not equivalent in meaning. We argue that interjection-type answers are intrinsically suited to be the pragmatically unmarked, and thus more frequent, strategy for confirming polar questions, regardless of the language spoken. Our analysis is based on the semantic-pragmatic profile of the interjection-type and repetition-type answer strategies, in the context of certain asymmetries inherent to the dialogic speech act structure of question–answer sequences, including sequential agency and thematic agency. This allows us to see possible explanations for the outlier distributions found in ǂĀkhoe Haiǁom and Tzeltal.

Post-nasal devoicing and the blurring process / Gasper Begus. // Journal of Linguistics Vol. 55, Issue 4/2019
p. 689-753

This paper addresses one of the most contested issues in phonology: unnatural alternations. First, non-natural phonological processes are subdivided into unmotivated and unnatural. The central topic of the paper is an unnatural process: post-nasal devoicing (PND). I collect thirteen cases of PND and argue that in all reported cases, PND does not derive from a single unnatural sound change (as claimed in some individual accounts of the data), but rather from a combination of three sound changes, each of which is phonetically motivated. I present new evidence showing that the three stages are directly historically attested in the pre-history of Yaghnobi. Based on several discussed cases, I propose a new diachronic model for explaining unnatural phenomena called the Blurring Process and point to its advantages over competing approaches (hypercorrection, perceptual enhancement, and phonetic motivation). The Blurring Process establishes general diachronic conditions for unnatural synchronic processes and can be employed to explain unnatural processes beyond PND. Additionally, I provide a proof establishing the minimal sound changes required for an unmotivated/unnatural alternation to arise. The Blurring Process and Minimal Sound Change Requirement have implications for models of typology within the Channel Bias approach. This paper thus presents a first step toward the ultimate goal of quantifying the influences of Channel Bias on phonological typology.

Vị trí của tiếng Cơ Tu xét về mặt loại hình / Nguyễn Hữu Hoành. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống 2015, Số 8-9 (316-317)
90-98 tr.

The presents paper discusses the position of Cơ Tu language within the isolatin languages. Basides the common characterstics of the isolating typology, the paper highlights the typical characteristics of Cơ Tu in comparison with other isolating languages. Two aspects of the Co Tu have been discussed here which are phonetics and grammar. The analysis shows that, among the three subtypes of isolating languages (according to Yakhontov’s calssification) , Cơ Tu language belongs to the old linguistics typology.

动词“完结”范畴考察与类型学分析 = A Typological Analysis of the Telic Category of Verbs / 玄玥 // Chinese Teaching in the World vol. 31, no. 1 (2017). // 世界汉语教学 vol. 31, no. 1 (2017).

20-35 p.

Previous research analyzes the Chinese verb-resultative construction(VR)into two event structures of causal relation,taking the resultative complement as the second predicate and emphasizing its predicate character.But it is not universal to merge thepredicates of two event structures in syntax and the rules of analyses are no universal either,irrespective universality of the telic character of the verb.An investigation into the telic category in 66 languages shows that it falls into five subcategories:semantic integration,inflection,preverbal adverbial,post-verbal complement,and clause.Then the Telic Phrase Hypothesis is proposed for a uniform interpretation of the telic category in multiple languages.It is argued that all constituents of the verb telic category project the telic phrase,the differences lying with the constituent concerned,which can be a sememe,a morpheme or a word,and the generating module,which can be lexicon,morphology or syntax.Cross-linguistically,the telic category has a positive correlation with other semantic categories

汉语使成结构的发展及其类型学解释 = Typological Explanation of Causative Constructions in Chinese / 朴乡兰. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2015, No.4.
吉林省延吉市 : 双月, 2015.
p. 58-65.

The development of causative constructions is one of the most discussed topics in the history of Chinese grammar. The discussion focused on the generation and evolution processes of several kinds of causative constructions and the relationship between them. However,the motivation and mechanism of the overall development of causative constructions are not discussed enough. Especially the reason why the most significant separated type "V1+ N + V2","V1+( NP) + shi/ling / jiao +( NP) + V2"construction in the Middle Ages declined need to be further explored. In this paper,on the basis of previous studies,using of language typology theory,we will interpret systemically the evolution of causative constructions. Among many languages,the morphological differences and the meaning directness of causative constructions are closely related,i. e. the closer to the lexical causative,the more suitable for the direct causatives,and the closer to the syntactic causative,the more applicable to the indirect causative. Some causative constructions in Chinese history did notcomply with this rule,so they were eliminated in the competition with other constructions.