Dòng Nội dung
“2014中青年语言学者沙龙”在商务印书馆召开. // Applied linguistics. 2014, No.2.
17 p.


“中国语境下哲学与语言学的对话”研讨会综述 / 吴宝祥, 段文华. // 当代语言学 = Contemporary Linguistics. 2018/3-Volume 20
p. 472-474.


《濒危语言政策与规划》评介 / Mari C.Jones, 曾国才. // 当代语言学 = Contemporary Linguistics. 2018/4 - Volume 20
p. 623-628.

<正>1. 引言近年来, 濒危语言问题不断引起语言学、社会学、政治学等多学科领域的关注。《濒危语言政策与规划》(Policy and Planning for Endangered Languages)一书由Mari C. Jones主编, 2015年由剑桥大学出版社出版, 展示了当前濒危语言复兴政策和规划的最新研究成果。Mari C. Jones博士是剑桥大学法语系的高级讲师和彼得学院(Peterhouse)的研究员。她发表了大量关

索绪尔语言学理论的继承与批判. /c王铭玉, 于鑫. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2013, Vol. 45, No.3. // 外语教学与研究 2013, 第45卷.第3期
tr. 353-373.

The past century (1913-2013) has witnessed the development of modem linguistics with research focus on the inheritance and criticism of Saussure’s theories. The basic linguistic concepts developed by Saussure and his insights into the nature of linguistics exerted seminal influence on modern linguistics and proved to be a major theoretical origin of structuralism. However, the development of linguistics in its due course has given rise to doubts about Saussure’s theories which include, among others, the "homogenized” research methodology, the view of linguistic signs, the structuralist approach to linguistics, the relation between language and word formation as well as the object and methodology in the study of grammar. The present research reveals that Saussure’s profound insights and integrated theoretical systems still hold great significance while his major claims and methodology call for further exploration. Challenges against Saussure are, meanwhile, of positive importance in that they have ushered linguistics research in an era of multi- dimensional pluralism.