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关于新形势下华侨母语教育问题的一些思考 = Some Reflections on the Mother Tongue Education of the Overseas Chinese under New Circumstances / GUO Xi.
// Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue. 2015. 2-9 p. The overseas learners of Chinese can be categorizedinto two types:Chinese citizens and foreigners,who are also called overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese in general terms. And these two types are often mentioned in the same breath in the field of overseas Chinese education. This paper proposes that the mother tongue education of the overseas Chinese childrenshould be sorted out for particular treatment under new social circumstances,which is suggested to be an important part of Chinese language policies.The paperalso analyses the characteristics and the problems of this issue and offers some practical suggestions.
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汉语母语教育用音节汉字词汇表考察——兼谈普通话教学对独字音节的应用 = A Review of The Graded Chinese Syllables,Characters and Words for the Application of Teaching Chinese to the Chinese Native Speakers: The Application of Single-character Syllables in the Teaching of Putonghua / 朱丽红.
// Applied linguistics. 2013, No.1. 2013.109-114 p. 《汉语国际教育用音节汉字词汇等级划分》体现了专用、分级的编制思路,受此启发,本文对汉语母语教育中的音节、汉字、词汇表进行考察。在汉语母语教育中,在专用和分级的维度上,字表的情况最好,词汇表次之,音节表最缺乏国家规范。音节表对普通话教学有重要作用,考虑到音节与汉字的关系,在教学中可以把独字音节作为优先学习的部分.
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