Dòng Nội dung
海外环境下中外教师的合作教学 = A Research on Co-Teaching Partnership between Chinese and Foreign Teachers Overseas. / Zhu Yong. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2014, No. 3. // 语言教学与研究 2014, 第3卷
北京 : 北京语言大学语言研究所, 2014.
36-44 p.

In recent years,Chinese teachers are becoming the bottleneck of the international promotion of Chinese.The strategy of localizing the teachers is executed gradually in order to solve the problem fundamentally.With the increase of the number of the local Chinese teachers,the chances for the local teacher to cooperate with Chinese teachers will also be increased,which at the same time might also cause some problems.This article intends to investigate such problems found in Italy by observing the teaching logs,classroom observations and interviews.It describes and analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of the coteaching of Chinese and foreign teachers.The issues about how to promote teachers’ desire for cooperation and how to strengthen the interaction between the Chinese and foreign teachers are also discussed.