Dòng Nội dung
创造性翻译与创造性对等 = Creative Equivalence as a Key to Creative Translation. / GUO Jianzhong. // 中国翻译 ,Chinese Translators Journal 2014, Vol. 35, No.4.
北京市 : [中國外文出版發行事業局], 2014
tr. 10-15.

Since the concept of "creative translation" is too abstract for translators to work on,this article proposes that the concept of "creative equivalence" be adopted as a possible solution to the said problem.Laying stress on rewriting and re-expressing in the process of translation,this concept has the advantage of being eminently practicable and hence widely applicable as a means for gauging creativity in translation.It draws on theoretical resources of both the literary and the linguistic(scientific) school of translation studies,demonstrating that these two major approaches are complementary rather than contradictory to each other.The formulation of the concept,moreover,signifies a serious engagement with,and an attempt to modernize,traditional Chinese discourse on translation.

庞德的翻译是东方主义吗?——兼论《神州集》的创造性翻译. / 张景华. // Chinese translators Journal 2013, Vol. 34 (221). // 中国翻译 2013, 第34卷
北京 : [中國外文出版發行事業局], 2013.
tr. 84-89.
