Dòng Nội dung
EI PLC como respuesta sistémica al reto de la competencia comunicativa en entornos educativos formales: propuesta de análisis de casos. / Fernando Trujillo, Raúl Rubio. // lenguaje y textos. 2014, Vol. 39.
tr. 29-38.

El desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa en entornos educativos formales no puede responder a actuaciones aisladas del profesorado ni al empeño particular de las familias. Solo una respuesta sistémica dentro y fuera de los centros educativos puede responder al complejo reto de la competencia comunicativa en el siglo XXI. En este artícalo se justifica la necesidad de incorporar el concepto de Proyecto Lingüístico de Centro (PLC) al Máster en Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas como parte de la formación inicial del profesorado. Esta incorporación, además, pasa por el análisis de casos reales, algunos de los cuales se proponen en este artículo a partir de la experiencia andaluza con este concepto. Por último, se detalla el desarrollo del PLC en el IES García Lorca de Algeciras (Cádiz) como ejemplo de respuesta sistémica en un centro educativo real.

Exploring dialogic space : a case study of a religious education classroom / Maria Vrikki, ... // Language and Education Vol.33, No 5/2019
UK : Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
p. 469-485 ; 26 cm.

Dialogic approaches to pedagogy have received increased attention in educational research in the past decades. Despite the substantial body of research on the quality of classroom talk, the secondary education context still remains less explored. The aim of the paper is to contribute to our understanding of dialogic practices in this context with a particular focus on: (a) the creation of dialogic space, and (b) the enactment of dialogic interactions in this space. The paper presents a case study on a Year 13 Religious Education classroom in the south of England, United Kingdom. Data are drawn from a videorecorded lesson and audiorecorded teacher interviews. A qualitative analysis of the data revealed the importance of certain factors in creating dialogic space, including teacher instructions, activity type, and teacher dialogic strategies. It is argued that being conducive to dialogue, the context of Religious Education can be studied further. With growing evidence coming from this context, pedagogical guidelines can be created for teachers who wish to develop a more dialogic pedagogy.

Headway : Pre-intermediate : Student's book / John Soars, Liz Soars.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1993.
143 tr. ; 24 cm.

Language attitudes, use, and competences of students of immigrant origin in Catalan secondary education: a moderated mediation model / Maria Adelina Ianos // Language and education Vol. 33-No 3/2019
p. 244-262

Following the arrival of a large number of immigrants in Catalonia (Spain), a series of language and educational policies focused on language uses, competences, and attitudes have been implemented with the aim to promote newcomers’ social integration and to protect and maintain the regional language, Catalan. This study examines these key factors and how they relate to each other in the case of secondary education students of immigrant origin, also considering their L1 (Spanish or non-Spanish). Specifically, a comparison of the language attitudes, language uses, and competences in Catalan and Spanish of L1 Spanish and L1 non-Spanish participants revealed different patterns between the two groups, largely characterized by a preference for Spanish on the part of the former group. Furthermore, a moderated mediation model is proposed to explain how attitudes influence language competences through language use, as well as how these relationships vary depending on the L1.