Dòng Nội dung
Đánh giá cấp độ phát triển tri năng ngữ dụng ở người học tiếng Anh như một ngoại ngữ thông qua khả năng nhận biết và lí giải vi phạm ngữ dụng./ Phạm Thị Hồng Nhung // Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 4 (299).
tr. 24-32.

Developing pragmatic competence for language learners has become fundamental to the process of helping them develop communicative competence. Critical literature review has identified 3 main development levels of pragmatic competence of L2 learners: 1) pragmatic awareness, 2) metalinguistic competence and 3) metapragmatic awareness. Relevant literature has also indicated that different research methods contribute to an understanding of study employs a combination of methods with the major method of asking the participants to identify and explain pragmatic violations in order to explore their relevant levels of pragmatic competence development. From the findings, suggestions about the teaching, assessing and researching pragmatic competence are made.

Một lỗi nhỏ nhưng dễ mắc khi dùng lượng từ tiếng Anh. / Đặng Ngọc Hướng // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống 2014, Số 5 (223)
tr. 25-29.

It is common knowledge that in the structure of the English noun phrase when its head is a common noun, the determiner is an indispensible element The determiners can be realized by different word classes such as the article or zero article, numerals or quantifiers, etc. From his experiences in learning and teaching English as a foreign language, the author of the article has realized that not a few Vietnamese learners of English have the habit of putting the preposition “of’ between such quantifiers as “air, “both”, “some”, “many”, etc. and indefinite nouns. This article deals with the possible reason for this problem: the learners’ confusion between the two partitive structures in English. At the end of the article, the author suggests a number of solutions to avoiding this mistake.

Sự khác biệt giới trong việc thực hiện hành động ngôn từ phê phán của người Anh./ Lê Thị Thúy Hà // Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 2 (297).
tr. 71-80.

The study is about the gender-based differences in the use of the criticizing act based on the analysis of 183 criticisms extracted from modern English short stories. The result shows that contextual factors such as distance, social power and age of the speaker and hearer have great and differential impact on the frequency as well as the choice of strategies of man or women.