Dòng Nội dung
Chuẩn mực tiếng Việt: Sự thống nhất trong đa dạng của các vùng miền Việt Nam. / Nguyễn Thái Hòa. // Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 6 (301).
tr. 3-9.

Like many other developed languages, Vietnamese has two standard systems: the standard rules (also called structural standard system) and the standard use system (also known as standard style system). These two systems are not in conflict but in a dialectical unity with each other. The Vietnamese language contains many regional variations which are diverse but unified in the regulated use of the Vietnamese script The schools use spelling to adjust pronunciation, and from spelling to use words, sentences, and to create documents. The national script plays a major role in the standardization of Vietnamese.

Hướng tới chuẩn hóa cách viết địa danh ở tỉnh Điện Biên./ Vương Toàn // Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 4 (299).
tr. 3-12.

The toponymes in Dien Bien province are mainly originated from the Vietnamese language, the national language and Thai language, the most commonly used local vernacular. As a result, many Thai toponymes have been Vietnamized. The analysis of currently used toponymes showed that one and the same toponyme may have different writings and there is a need to standardize these toponymes.

Lí thuyết về chuẩn ngôn ngữ và vấn đề chuẩn chính tả tiếng Việt. / Bùi Khánh Thế. // Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 7 (302).
tr. 3-16.

Language standardization in general and spelling standardization in particular has always been an issue of special concern in Vietnam, especially after the decision "to use Vietnamese in all levels of the national education" was made. Within the debates on Vietnamese standardization, some topics have attracted much attention from researchers as no consensus in terms of their scientific basis and practical application has been reached. The Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam issued in 2013 was a milestone in the development of the Vietnamese language. For the first time Vietnamese language was legally recognized "the national language" in Article 5, section 3... It is time to think about a language law for the national language. In that legislation, spelling problems of the national language will have a proper place. This article is a contribution to the debate on the language policy in Vietnam.