Dòng Nội dung
Đặc điểm ngữ pháp của “những, các” trong một số văn bản thư từ của người công giáo thế kỉ XVII – XIX. / Võ Thị Minh Hà. // Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 8 (303).
tr. 63-77.

“Những” and “các” are two grammatical elements that denote the plural in Vietnamese noun phrases. In this paper, they are reviewed based on the 42 letters of Catholics from XVIIth to XlXth centuries. The study from the diachronic aspect can help clarify the similarities and differences between “những” and “các” which have been well studied from the synchronic aspect by Vietnamese linguists. It also helps highlight the change trends in lexical combinations and grammatical meanings.

Getting to grips with noun groups./ Jill Musgrave, Jean Parkinson // ELT journal. 2014, Vol. 68, No. 2.
tr. 145-154.

Extended noun phrases are a feature of academic prose. An analysis of noun phrases in the writing of international students on an EAP course in New Zealand showed that their use of noun modifiers was atypical of academic writing in general. One example is that nouns as noun pre-modifiers were used relatively infrequently. Our purpose in this article is to present an approach to task development that can usefully guide teachers in developing their own complex noun phrase tasks. Our exemplar task aims to increase learners’ understanding and use of noun-noun phrases with repeated application to many different academic texts throughout a programme of study.