Dòng Nội dung
Đọc “Chùm thơ tân hình thức” (do Khế Iêm và Văn Giá tuyển chọn – Báo Nghệ thuật mới, số 8, Tháng 9/2012, tr.19)./ Nguyễn Thái Hòa. // Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 1 (296).
tr. 50-53.

With some linguistic procedures (statistics, substation, between-the line reading), the writer has multidimensionally turned the “Rubic block of words”-where the poets of New Formalism have broken the normal forms of the Vietnamese and the Vietnamese poetry such as sentences, words, and regular rhythm to reach the multidimensional and unfamiliar information. However, success is awaiting these poets ahead and infinite time will give them the answer.

Từ “xuân” trong thơ./ Nguyễn Xuân Lạc. // Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 1 (296).
tr. 54-58.

This paper discusses the aesthetic meanings of the words “spring” in poems, which has been used more often than the word “summer, autumn, winter”. The words “spring” has been used in poems and folk songs with the aesthetic meanings. Readers are able to perceive the aesthetic merits of the words “Spring” in national folk songs, for example, in Kieu by Nguyen Du (poem in the medieval period), in Han Mac Tu’s poems (The New Poems before the August Revolution 1945), and in Ho Chi Minh’s poems (Modern Poems after the August Revolution 1945).