Dòng Nội dung
“都”表主观量的规则及相关解释= The Law and Relavant Interpretation on “dou” Conveying Subjective Quantity/ 蒋静忠, 魏红华 // 汉语学习 no.3/2017 // 汉语学习 vol.3/2017

tr.13 - 21


企业名称认知心理的语用频率效应——以中国2010年500强企业名称为例 = The Pragmatic Frequency Effect of the Cognitive Psychology of Enterprise Names: A Case Study of China’s Top 500 Enterprises in 2010 / 潘峰; 杨凯. // Applied linguistics. 2013, No.1.
62-71 p.

This paper,with the corpus of the names of China’s top 500 enterprises in 2010,demonstrates that some Chinese characters have relevant connotations and high pragmatic frequencies in certain context.The study shows that these Chinese characters in enterprise name imply significant pragmatic effects.The conventional order of cognitive psychology is reflected in "da"(大),"ji"(吉),"he"(和),"xin"(新),"li"(利).Each psychological meaning has a certain locational advantage and presents difference in conventional use.The expressive ability of Chinese characters is correlated with their pragmatic frequency,but has little association to their pragmatic meaning.It also suggests that the cognitive psychological state and the conventional rule change from the ostensive to the implicated and that abiding by the conventional and seeking the common serves as the pragmatic strategy of the naming system among enterprises.