Dòng Nội dung
Trao đổi thêm về chuẩn ngôn ngữ và chuẩn chính tả trong tiếng Việt / Trần Trí Dõi // Ngôn ngữ Số 11 (2013)
tr. 14-21

The paper shares the view that “standard orthography” is merely the subjective judgment of native speakers on the basis of certain criteria. Efforts to develop Vietnamese standard orthography should, therefore, not be search for “standard pronunciation”; rather, it should be acknowledged that the pronunciation as reflected in the existing writing system is the most “proper” and “standard”. Meanwhile, the term “existing writing system” generally has been described in the “Dictionary of Orthography” published by the Institute of Literature in 1960. This writing system meets the requirements for respect to “social habits”, taking into account the “standardized values of etymology” given those apparent values which function as grounds for standard orthography.