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Advertising and promotion : an integrated marketing communications perspective / George E. Belch, Michael A. Belch
New York, NY : McGraw-Hill Education, 2018
xli, 764p.+ 53p. ; 30cm.

To effectively plan, implement, and evaluate Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) programs, one must understand the overall marketing process, consumer behavior, and communications theory. Belch/Belch's Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective draws from the authors’ extensive research in advertising, consumer behavior, communications, marketing, sales promotion, and other fields to give students a basis for understanding the marketing communications process, how it influences consumer decision making, and how to develop promotional strategies. In addition to thorough coverage of advertising, Belch's eleventh edition has chapters on sales promotion, direct marketing, the Internet including social media and mobile marketing, support media such as outdoor advertising, product placement and integration, and publicity/public relations, with emphasis on the integration of advertising with other promotional-mix elements and the need to understand their role and overall contribution

Advertising and promotion : an integrated marketing communications perspective / George E. Belch, Michael A. Belch.
New York, NY : McGraw-Hill Education, 2021
xxix, 740, 13, 33, 9, 14 p. : ill. ; 27 cm.

"THE CHANGING WORLD OF ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION Nearly everyone in the modern world is influenced to some degree by advertising and other forms of promotion. Organizations in both the private and public sectors have learned that the ability to communicate effectively and efficiently with their target audiences is critical to their success. Advertising and other types of promotional messages are used to sell products and services as well as to promote causes, market political candidates, and deal with societal problems such as alcohol and drug abuse. Consumers are finding it increasingly difficult to avoid the efforts of marketers, who are constantly searching for new ways to communicate with them"