Dòng Nội dung
Academic proficiency performance in second and third language: the role of school context / Orly Haim. // Language, Culture and Curriculum Volume 31, 2018 - Issue 2
p. 182-198

This study investigated the role of school-related variables in explaining academic proficiency (AP) performance in Hebrew (L2) and English (L3) among immigrant youth. The following sets of variables were examined: (1) school background (2) academic, linguistic and social-psychological support, and (3) professional staff and school resources allocated for immigrant students. The sample included 267 Russian (L1) speaking students drawn from 18 Israeli high schools. Students’ AP level was assessed via AP tests in L2 and L3. Data about the schools were collected through interviews with the school principals. Multivariate analysis of covariance, controlling for socioeconomic status (SES), arrival age and gender indicated that students’ performance significantly varied as a function of the school-related variables although the effect of these variables on students’ AP scores in L2 and L3 was not to the same extent. The variables educational track (comprehensive schools), upper SES, social-psychological support, teacher training, parental involvement, and provision of an immigrants’ class were associated with higher grades in the respective languages whereas provision of academic and linguistic support were related to lower scores. These results highlight the role of the particular learning environment and context as a source of variation in L2 and L3 performance.

Career formation for young people with multi-lingual and multi-cultural backgrounds : From the perpestive of career design / Yanmada Izumi // Joural of japanese language teaching (日本語教育) No. 175, April 2020
Japan : Hosei University, 2020

Human life can be seen as continual process of self-realization, of moving towards a state in wich one feels that one is living a life that is true to oneself. To achieve this goal one must seek to understand one's own indentity and design a career on the basis of this self-awareness, plotting a course that will lead to the formation of the mode of life or careerbthat one wishes to achieve. Self-awareness is ti be achieved by reviewing the course of one's life from the past to the present, and on into the future, and examining one's evolving relations with the people in one's life, thus seeing oneself as it were in reverse, "oneself as other in the other's eyes" (Washida 1996, pp. 105-25). The title assigned for this paper is "Career Formation for Young People with Multi-lingual and Multi-cultural Backgrouands,:, but it is doubtful wether this sort of background is truly realized for children with ties to foreign countries. A multilingual or multi-cultural background should not merely be seen as a skill for participation in society, one that enhances one's employability; it is also vital to incorporate it into one's self-awareness, wich will guide one's path to self-realization. Japanese society thus has a duty to ensure that children with ties to foreign countries will be able to maintain their heritage languages and cultures.