Dòng Nội dung
《信息结构:理论、类型及实证的视角》述评 = M. Zimmermann & C. Féry: Information Structure: Theoretical, Typological, and Experimental Perspectives (2010). / HUANG Jianping. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2014, Vol. 46, No.4. // 外语教学与研究 2014, 第46卷.第4期
tr. 630-634.


指示词的复杂度与指称意义、句法功能的关系——以汉语、韩语、日语为主要样例 = The Study of the Relationship between the Complexity of Demonstratives,Their References and Syntactic Functions. / Cui Jian. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2014, No.3.
p. 3-13.

This paper makes a comparison and contrast,by the data from Chinese,Korean and Japanese languages, between the complexity degree of the demonstratives, their references and the corresponding syntactic functions. In Chinese,the different syntactic and pragmatic features, introduced by different structural positions,are directly related to the alternative patterns of the demonstrative forms, while in Korean and Japanese languages, complex forms may occur in any subject or object position,since the demonstratives in the bare forms are not self-sufficient. However,it is not such a case in the attributive positions. These differences are mainly due to the variations of functional demonstratives,which are realized in terms of their different types and different functional loads.

汉语(不)定指标记儿童习得研究 : Acquisition of(in)definiteness markers in child Mandarin / WU Zhuang;HUANG Rong;ZHANG Zhenghao. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2015, Vol. 47, No.2. // 外语教学与研究 2015, 第47卷.第1期
176-189+319 p.

Using the picture-elicitation technique,the present study investigates the use of NP forms and syntactic positions in marking(in)definiteness by Mandarin-acquiring children aged between 3-9in their story-telling.The results indicate an early acquisition of the mapping between NP forms and indefiniteness,but a late development of the syntactic position markers,as evidenced by the preschoolers’ frequent violation of the subject definiteness constraint,i.e.,using numeral phrases as the sentential subject.The study also reveals an impact by the number of referents on the choice of NP forms in marking new referents.Both children and adults in the study produced more numeral phrases when referring to multiple referents than did they when referring to a single referent.These findings support the view that the mapping between NP forms and referentiality is acquired early,while linguistic knowledge at the syntax-pragmatics interface is more difficult to acquire.However,the idea that young children do not take the hearer’ s knowledge into consideration in their language is not supported by the present study.

汉语(不)定指标记儿童习得研究 = Acquisition of(in)definiteness markers in child Mandarin / WU Zhuang; HUANG Rong; ZHANG Zhenghao;Faculty of English Language and Culture,Guangdong University of Foreign Studies;School of Foreign Languages,Xiangtan University. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2015, Vol. 47, No.2. // 外语教学与研究 2013, 第45卷.第4期
176-189+319 p.

Using the picture-elicitation technique,the present study investigates the use of NP forms and syntactic positions in marking(in)definiteness by Mandarin-acquiring children aged between 3-9in their story-telling.The results indicate an early acquisition of the mapping between NP forms and indefiniteness,but a late development of the syntactic position markers,as evidenced by the preschoolers’ frequent violation of the subject definiteness constraint,i.e.,using numeral phrases as the sentential subject.The study also reveals an impact by the number of referents on the choice of NP forms in marking new referents.Both children and adults in the study produced more numeral phrases when referring to multiple referents than did they when referring to a single referent.These findings support the view that the mapping between NP forms and referentiality is acquired early,while linguistic knowledge at the syntax-pragmatics interface is more difficult to acquire.However,the idea that young children do not take the hearer’ s knowledge into consideration in their language is not supported by the present study.

汉语(交互)主观性表达的句法位置 = The Syntactic Position of Chinese(inter) Subjectivity/ 完权. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi)ning No.3/2017.
p. 3-12.

A cross-language hypothesis of the asymmetry between(inter)subjectivity and cla use periphery has been put forward based on English and French. After founding a principle of judging intersubjectivity, this work surveyed Chinese evidences pro and con, including th e syntactic and semantic factors of equivalents and some other typical position-sensitive wor ds. The fact is that the expressions of(inter) subjectivity do not depend on any particular po sition. Thus, an alternative hypothesis is proposed at the end.