Dòng Nội dung
Health sciences of mind and body / Mari Kusumi
Japan : T&M Kusumi Foundation, 2012
265 p. ; 26 cm.

Human body/ Frances Williams; Geoff Brightling.
London : Dorling Kindersley, 1997.
44 str. : ilustr. ; 29 cm.

Sự chuyển nghĩa của từ “ Mình”, “ Thân” trong Tiếng Việt và các từ tương đương trong Tiếng Anh = Tranfering the meaning of the Vietnamese words “ Mình”, “ Thân” into English equivalent / Nguyễn Văn Hải. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống. 2014, Số 12 (230).
tr. 82-85

Transfering of meaning of word “Body” in Vietnamese into equivalent words in English shown on the different dimension: identify,translating, text content. According to our survey, words “ minh” and “ than” in Vietnamese are used in rich and meaningful way. In terms of identify, there are a larget number of words having the same meaning likes “minh” and “than” in Vietnamese ( 9 diffirent corresponding words , in English there is only one “body”).

数词系统中的涉身现象 = Embodiment in Numeral Systems / 刘苹;LIU Ping. // Contemporary linnguistics. 2016, Vol. 18, No.3.
416-430 p.

Embodiment in numeral systems refers to the mapping from body parts or physical experience as the source domain to numerals as the target domain in different languages. When body parts act as the source domain,number,size or position of the body parts is mapped to the numerical value or size of numerals or their position in the numeral system. When physical experience is the source domain,the concepts of position,space or location are mapped to the semantic relationship between constituents of complex numerals,numerical range of numerals or relationship between numerals