Dòng Nội dung
(엄마와 함께) 하루 20분 영어 그림책의 힘 / 이명신 지음.
서울 : 조선일보 생활미디어, 2008.
268 p. : 천연색삽화 ; 23 cm.

2018年“全国外语教学与研究博士生论坛”征文通知 / 本刊讯. // Foreign Language Teaching and Research 4/2018

tr. 642


Bubbles of becomings : From located investment to placemaking practices of engagement in the language classroom / Helle Pia Laursen, Lise Baun, Winnie Ostergaard // Language and Education Volume 34, 2020 - Issue 6
United Kingdom : Routledge, 2020
p. 566-582

Based on data from a ten-year study of literacy and linguistic diversity in the classroom, in this article we examine the intersection of investment and placemaking through an analysis of a student’s emergent engagement practices in a teaching unit about writing blogs. Drawing on recent work on spatiality in literacy studies, we trace the evolving movements in the student’s changing relationship with the classroom as a literacy learning place. Our analysis shows how the shifting relationships between the human beings, the classroom objects and the various semiotic resources create a learning place that allows the student to explore the possibilities for entangling herself in the text-making process through embodied and affective engagements in the text classroom practices. Based on this analysis, we suggest a parallel shift of emphasis from a focus of located investment toward a focus on placemaking practices of engagement in order to capture the unpredictable and affectively loaded bubbles of becomings that are part of all classroom practices.

Các phương tiện liên kết văn bản và ứng dụng của chúng trong việc dạy và học ngoại ngữ = Kohärenzmittel und deren anwendung im fremdsprachenunterricht / Phan Thị Thu Hạnh. // Tạp chí khoa học ngoại ngữ Số 12/2007
Hà Nội : Đại học Hà Nội, 2007
tr. 3-15

Bài viết trình bày các phương tiện liên kết văn bản và ứng dụng của chúng trong việc dạy và học ngoại ngữ.