Dòng Nội dung
Multimedia : making it work / Tay Vaughan
New York : McGraw-Hill, c2014
xiii, 486 p. : color ill. ; 29 cm.

Learn the basic elements of multimedia and the skills required for a successful multimedia career from this up-to-date, full-color resource. Covering both Windows and Mac platforms, Multimedia: Making It Work, Eighth Edition explains how to incorporate text, images, sound, animation, and video into compelling projects. Hardware and software tools are described in detail. Discover how to design, organize, produce, and deliver multimedia projects on the Web, CD, and DVD. Each chapter includes full-color illustrations and screenshots, professional insights from multimedia experts, self-quizzes, and hands-on projects

Multimedia learning / Richard E. Mayer
United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2021
xviii, 433 p. : ill. ; 26cm.

Multimedia instruction refers to communications involving words and pictures that are intended to foster learning. How can we design effective multimedia instruction? In this book I review principles of instructional design that are based on experimental research studies carried out by my colleagues and me and that are grounded in a theory of how people learn from words and pictures, which I call the cognitive theory of multimedia learning. In short, the premise underlying this book is that the design of multimedia instruction should be based on research evidence and grounded in learning theory. If you are interested in an evidenced-based and theory-grounded approach to multimedia instructional design, then this book is for you