Dòng Nội dung
Industry 4.0 : paradoxes and conflicts / Jean-Claude André.
Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2019.
xlii, 307 p. ; 24cm.

Digital technology opens up extraordinary fields for applications that will deeply change the nature of jobs and trade, the very concept of work and the expectations of user-producers. The "masters of algorithms" have disrupted production and services, and this trend will continue for as long as electric energy and the elements of Industry 4.0 are in continued development. Beyond data control, a power struggle is working its way through the links in the value chain: intermediation, control of resources and command over human and physical networks, as well as partnerships, creativity and the political system. Industry 4.0: Paradoxes and Conflicts examines the need for a serious and technological review, as well as for research and training regarding citizenship and politics. This is a new situation in terms of relationships of competence and authority, which must be the subject of scientific as well as political reflections for the whole social body, which needs to be educated about choices. Throughout the book, the author poses the following question: instead of submitting to choices, would it not be better to exercise foresight

Khởi nghiệp : Kinh doanh thông minh trong cách mạng công nghiệp 4.0 / Dorie Clark ; Kim chi dịch.
Hà Nội : Nxb. Lao động ; 1980 books, 2017.
391tr. ; 21cm.

Giới thiệu các cách thức để kinh doanh một cách thông minh trong thời đại cách mạng công nghệ 4.0 thông qua các bước: Xây dựng thương hiệu cá nhân; kinh doanh sinh lời bằng chuyên môn của bạn; mở rộng phạm vi và tầm ảnh hưởng trên mạng