Dòng Nội dung
Algebraic theory of automata and languages / Masami Ito.
New Jersey : World Scientific Publishing Co., ©2004
x, 199 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Although there are some books dealing with algebraic theory ofautomata, their contents consist mainly of Krohn-Rhodes theory andrelated topics. The topics in the present book are ratherdifferent. For example, automorphism groups of automata and thepartially ordered sets of automata are systematicallydiscussed. Moreover, some operations on languages and special classesof regular languages associated with deterministic andnondeterministic directable automata are dealt with. The book isself-contained and hence does not require any knowledge of automataand formal languages

Discrete mathematics and its applications / Kenneth H. Rosen
New York : McGraw-Hill, 2019
XXI, 942p. + 98p. + 26p. ; 27cm.

Discrete mathematics with applications / Susanna S Epp.
Australia : Brooks-Cole, Cengage-Learning, 2011
820 p. + 122p + 20p. ; 27 cm.

Discrete mathematics with applications / Susanna S. Epp
Australia : Cengage, c2020
xxii, 871p. + 141p + 22p. ; 26 cm.