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Nỗi đau của Marguerite Duras qua tác phẩm “Nỗi đau” và “Người tình” = Marguerite Duras' pain in "La Douleur" (War: A Memoir) and "L'Amant" ( The Lover) / Phạm Trần Hạnh Trang // Tạp chí Khoa học Ngoại Ngữ Số 58/2019 (Tháng 3/2019)
Hà Nội : Đại học Hà Nội, 2019

In the literary treasure of Marguerite Duras, “The lover” and “War: A Memoir” are two works that not only clearly express her extreme pain, but also have marked a new and unique line of literature in twentieth-century French literature - new novels. Within the scope of this study, the author focuses particularly on evaluating the author's pain in each work, as well as evaluating the similarities and differences of the pain itself in two works, in order to determine the origin of pain - the physical and mental state of suffering that Marguerite Duras endured since being a young woman and all the way until becoming a wife. The author conducts the study based on the French version of the two works, the theory of literary text analysis and the factors related to the two lines of literature: Autobiography and Autofiction.