Dòng Nội dung
English as a lingua franca in the international university: language experiences and perceptions among international students in multilingual Hong Kong / Chit Cheung Matthew Sung // Language, Culture and Curriculum Volume 33, 2020 - Issue 3
UK Limited : Routledge, 2020
Pages 258-273

This paper presents findings of a qualitative inquiry into international students’ experiences and perceptions of their language use in an English-medium international university in multilingual Hong Kong, with particular attention to the use of English as a lingua franca (ELF) in relation to other languages. Based on data collected from in-depth interviews with a group of international students, the study found that the participants embraced a pluralistic conceptualisation of ELF. While they emphasised the importance of ELF for their academic and social integration in the university, the perceived resistance against the use of ELF by local students means that the language norms operating in the university cannot be pre-determined. It was also found that the participants expressed monolingual ideologies with respect to the use of ELF as a result of their concerns about social exclusion and linguistic disadvantage. Meanwhile, multilingual language practices and multilingual ideologies in relation to the use of ELF were also found in the participants’ accounts of language experiences and perceptions. The findings also point to the tensions arising from the language choice between ELF and the local language, as well as the co-existence of contradictory language ideologies concerning monolingualism/multilingualism in the international university context.

Việc phổ biến tiếng Pháp ở Việt Nam trong bối cảnh đa ngôn ngữ theo mô hình lực hấp dẫn ngôn ngữ và lý thuyết trò chơi = La diffusion du Français dans le contexte multilingue au Vietnam selon le modèle gravitationnel des langues et la théorie des jeux / Nguyễn Sinh Viện // Tạp chí Khoa học Ngoại Ngữ Số 56/2018 (Tháng 9/2018)
Hà Nội : Đại học Hà Nội, 2018
tr. 28-39

In the context of globalization, the use of languages plays a crucial role in one’s personal development and integration worldwide. The selection of foreign language taught in national education, thus, becomes important to many countries, including Vietnam. It is closely related to social development in general because of increasing exchanges. Besides, it is made with a political and socio-economic vision to ensure diversity and sustainable growth in accordance to democracy and human rights. Foreign language practices in Vietnam in this new context are basically aimed at accessing knowledge and job opportunities which has never required quality and usefulness as it is. The French language, which has been common in Vietnam yet no longer of first importance, is an interesting typical case study given dynamic and competitive multilingual environment.