Dòng Nội dung
“Vi+了+O”的句法-语义特征及数量成分的制约作用 / 朴珍玉 // 汉语学习 ,Chinese Language Learning 2020(06)
中国 : 吉林省延吉市, 2020


“和”字形容词并列结构语体属性及语法效应 / 张然 // 汉语学习 ,Chinese Language Learning 2020(05)
中国 : 吉林省延吉市, 2020


“赶上”的词义演变研究 / 吕为光 // 汉语学习 ,Chinese Language Learning 2020(06)
中国 : 吉林省延吉市, 2020

According to the semantic map theory, this paper holds that the four meanings of "gan shang" have evolvement relations, among which the meaning of "gan shang" is basis of evolvement, and there are differences between the four meanings in objective-subjective, spatialtemporal and active-passive aspects. In addition, "gan shang" is undergoing the evolution from the time category to the condition category, and its degree of blurring is not complete.

On the semantics of classifier reduplication in Cantonese / Peppina Po-Lun Lee // Journal of Linguistics Volume 56 , Issue 4 , November 2020
Great Britain : Cambridge University Press, 2020
p. 701-743

This paper studies prenominal reduplicative classifier in Cantonese, which has been argued to be a distributive quantifier on a par with English every/each and Mandarin mei ‘every’, and a plural classifier giving the ‘many’ reading. The analysis I propose draws heavily on ideas introduced in the cover theory proposed by Schwarzschild (1996) and Brisson (1998, 2003), and ideas introduced by Partee (2004) and others on quantifying determiner many. I argue that prenominal reduplicative classifier is a quantifying determiner which is ambiguous between a quantifier type and a modifier type. When it occurs with the distributive quantifier dou1 ‘all’, it serves as a modifier, regulating the domain of dou1-quantification by imposing a maximizing effect on the nominal it modifies (see e.g. Link 1983; Gillon 1987; Schwarzschild 1996; Brisson 1998, 2003). Without the presence of a distributive quantifier, prenominal reduplicative classifier serves either as a modifier or as a quantifier, giving its NP a weak cardinal reading or a strong proportional reading, respectively. The proposed analysis implies that domain restriction in Chinese is overtly realized in grammatical form by means of the reduplicative classifier (when combined with a distributive quantifier) and that Chinese may have determiners, which is at least true in Cantonese.

从主观强调看“仅限于”的词汇化过程——兼论词缀“于”的零形化 / 杜可风 // 汉语学习 ,Chinese Language Learning 2020(04)
中国 : 吉林省延吉市, 2020

"Jinxianyu" has been formed in the evolution of "Jin" determining "xianyu". "Jin" is an adverbial modifier, and "xinayu" is a verb. There is a determinative relationship between the two words, which serve to limit the emphasis. "xianyu" has the part of speech both in verbs and prepositions. In the evolution process "jinxinayu" has the function of emphasizing the limitation of a certain range. From the perspective of expression function, it has the functions of strengthening focus, subjective emphasis, and association. "Yu" evolved from the affix in "xianyu" to the clitic in "jinxianyu", due to the constraints of rhythm factors, and it finally drops and becomes zero form, forming a phenomenon of "jinxian" and "jinxianyu".