Dòng Nội dung
Nghiệp vụ đặt giữ buồng khách sạn : Trình độ cơ bản / Tổng cục Du lịch Việt Nam, Uỷ ban Châu Âu.
Hà Nội : Dự án phát triển nguồn nhân lực Du lịch VN, 2006
191 tr. ; 30 cm.

Tourism information technology / Pierre Benckendorff, Pauline J. Sheldon, Zheng Xiang
Boston, Massachusetts : CABI, 2019
xxvi, 374 p. ; 25cm.

Examines IT applications in all sectors, including airlines, travel intermediaries, accommodation, food service, destinations, attraction, events and entertainment. Organised around the stages of the visitor journey, the book reviews how tourists are using technologies to support decision-making before and during their trip.