Dòng Nội dung
Tính từ trong tiếng Nhật và tiếng Việt nhìn từ góc độ ngôn ngữ học tri nhận = Adjectives in Japanese and Vietnamese laguage from the perspectives of cognitive linguistics / Nghiêm Hồng Vân. // Tạp chí Khoa học ngoại ngữ 63/2020
Hà Nội : Đại học Hà Nội, 2020
tr. 3-13

Cognitive linguistics is an interdiscriplinary branch of linguistics that studies languge on the basic of human experience and perceptions of the objective world. Nowadays, issues related to cognitive linguistics have attracted much attention from many researchers. This article presents some basic concepts in cognitive linguistics, such as category, categorization and prototype. It then points out similarrities and differences between adjectives in Japanese and Vietnamese language as well as factors forming prototypes of this category in the two languages.