Dòng Nội dung
The Influence of Time-Interval Descriptions on Goal-Pursuit Decisions / Nira Munichor, Robyn A. LeBoeuf // Journal of Marketing Research: (April 2018) Vol. 55, No. 2.
p. 291-303.

Consumers pursue numerous goals that are linked to particular time frames. Might one’s likelihood of agreeing to pursue a goal fluctuate even if nothing about the goal’s objective features changes, but if instead the only change is in how the time allotted for goal pursuit is described? Seven experiments show that consumers are more likely to agree to pursue goals when the completion interval is described by duration (e.g., “within exactly two weeks from now”) instead of date (e.g., “between today and November 17”). This pattern may arise because dates, which may make it easier to retrieve competing obligations falling within the interval, lead people to focus more on the (unenjoyable) goal-pursuit process, whereas durations, which present the interval in isolation, allow people to focus more on the goal’s (beneficial) outcome. These findings suggest that although how a time interval is described seems inconsequential, it has striking effects on goal-pursuit decisions and therefore has important implications for the marketing of products and actions designed to assist consumers in achieving their goals.

汉语否定词“没(有)”和“不”对焦点敏感度的差异性 = Non-uniformity of Chinese Negators Mei(-you) and Bu towards Focus / 李宝伦;Peppina Po-lun LEE. // Contemporary linnguistics. 2016, Vol. 18, No.3.
368-386 p.

"不"和"没(有)"是汉语中两个主要的否定词,以往文献把它们视为对焦点敏感的算子,并不区分它们对焦点的敏感度。Herburger(2000)提出通过事件量化(event quantification)分析英语否定词,重新检视非焦点成分对句子所述事件的量化影响,认为事件量化词的量化是受限于其辖域内的非焦点成分,该成分给出的是一个背景事件描述。Beaver和Clark(2003)也认为即使对焦点敏感的算子的释义可能与焦点直接或间接有关,也不能采取一刀切的方法处理。根据Herburger及Beaver和Clark的分析,我们提出"不"和"没(有)"对焦点的敏感程度并不一样:"不"是一个对焦点敏感的否定算子,与焦点直接关联得出"不"字句的基本释义;而由于句法上的限制,"没"必须依附于"有","没"的释义只能是对焦点间接敏感。此外,通过事件量化分析,"没"可以被看作是否定情状存在的量化词,它的释义显示,量化结构中的背景或限定部分可以通过句子去掉焦点部分得出,而焦点在"没"字句中的角色是给出非焦点或背景部分,以对与"没"有关的背景事件进行限制。