Dòng Nội dung
Design of technology-enhanced learning : integrating research and practice / Matt Bower
Bingley, UK : Emerald Publishing, 2017
xix, 449 p. : ill. ; 29 cm.

This book explains how educational research can inform the design of technology-enhanced learning environments. After laying pedagogical, technological and content foundations, it analyses learning in Web 2.0, Social Networking, Mobile Learning and Virtual Worlds to derive nuanced principles for technology-enhanced learning design

The innovator's mindset : empower learning, unleash talent, and lead a culture of creativity / George Couros
San Diego, CA : Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc., 2015
x, 237 p. : iil. ; 29 cm.

The traditional system of education requires students to hold their questions and compliantly stick to the scheduled curriculum. But our job as educators is to provide new and better opportunities for our students. It's time to recognize that compliance doesn't foster innovation, encourage critical thinking, or inspire creativity--and those are the skills our students need to succeed