Dòng Nội dung
新股发行时机选择与随机微分博弈的IPO决策理论综述 / 胡志强; 万朝辉; 王一竹. // Wuhan Universiy Journal. 2015, Vol. 68. // 武汉大学学报. 哲学社会科学版g2015, 第68卷.


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新股发行时机选择与随机微分博弈的IPO决策理论综述 = IPO Timing and IPO Decision Theory based on Stochastic Differential Game:A Literature Review / 胡志强; 万朝辉; 王一竹. // Wuhan University Journal(Philosophy & Social Sciences) Vol 68, No.3 (2015).
湖北省武汉市 : 双月, 2015
59-65 p.

Stochastic differential game takes the interaction between different subjects into account,and better describes the game evolution in the continuously changing complex system and environment,which makes great sense to the IPO timing study and enterpriser’IPO decisions,and provdes effective policy advices to the reform of IPO enrollment.
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