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  • 论翻译批评的介入性与导向性——兼评《翻译批评研究》 = On the engagement and guidance of translation criticism /

Tác giả CN 许, 钧.
Nhan đề 论翻译批评的介入性与导向性——兼评《翻译批评研究》 = On the engagement and guidance of translation criticism /许钧(XU Jun).
Mô tả vật lý p432-p441+p482
Tóm tắt Since translation activities have become unprecedentedly complicated in the new era,it is necessary for scholars of translation criticism to pay full attention to two difficult issues in translation criticism:the slow development of translation theory and the non-presence of translation criticism.To solve these two problems effectively,this article adopts the viewpoints of A Study of Translation Criticismto analyze the importance of engagement and guidance of translation criticism,and points out that scholars of translation criticism should intervene in problems of current translation activities.In order to play a constructive role in the development of translation activities,scholars of translation criticism should understand the essence of translation and evaluate translation activities from a historical perspective to enhance the guidance concerning value and development by translation criticism
Tóm tắt 翻译活动在新的历史时期中呈现出前所未有的丰富性与复杂性,迫切需要翻译批评界以敏锐的理论意识和高度的历史责任感,充分重视并切实改变翻译批评长期以来存在的理论发展缓慢与实践缺乏在场两大问题。针对这样的现状,本文结合《翻译批评研究》一书中的理论观点,对翻译批评的介入性与导向性进行揭示与分析,提出翻译批评应以介入的姿态,关注并正视当下翻译活动中存在的问题与不良倾向,发挥其应有的警示与建构力量,同时进一步把握翻译本质,以历史的目光看待与评价翻译活动,发挥其应有的价值导向和发展导向
Đề mục chủ đề Ngôn ngữ--Giảng dạy--TVĐHHN.
Thuật ngữ không kiểm soát 介入性.
Thuật ngữ không kiểm soát 导向性.
Thuật ngữ không kiểm soát 翻译批评.
Thuật ngữ không kiểm soát 《翻译批评研究》.
Nguồn trích Foreign language teaching and research- 2016, Vol 48, N.3
000 00000nab a2200000 a 4500
008160919s | a 000 0 chi d
0091 0
1000|a许, 钧.
24510|a论翻译批评的介入性与导向性——兼评《翻译批评研究》 = On the engagement and guidance of translation criticism /|c许钧(XU Jun).
3620|aVol 48 (May 2016)
520|aSince translation activities have become unprecedentedly complicated in the new era,it is necessary for scholars of translation criticism to pay full attention to two difficult issues in translation criticism:the slow development of translation theory and the non-presence of translation criticism.To solve these two problems effectively,this article adopts the viewpoints of A Study of Translation Criticismto analyze the importance of engagement and guidance of translation criticism,and points out that scholars of translation criticism should intervene in problems of current translation activities.In order to play a constructive role in the development of translation activities,scholars of translation criticism should understand the essence of translation and evaluate translation activities from a historical perspective to enhance the guidance concerning value and development by translation criticism
65017|aNgôn ngữ|xGiảng dạy|2TVĐHHN.
6530 |a《翻译批评研究》.
7730|tForeign language teaching and research|g2016, Vol 48, N.3

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