• Bài trích
  • 从互动角度看“啊”的话语标记功能 /

Tác giả CN 王咸慧
Nhan đề 从互动角度看“啊”的话语标记功能 / 王咸慧
Mô tả vật lý tr.63-70
Tóm tắt 本文从互动语言学的视角,以会话语料为分析对象,借助实验语音学的测量方法,考察占据独立语调单位的"啊"在交际中的语音特征及其功能。在互动过程中,"啊"具有话语标记的功能,它与相邻韵律单位的对比音高是影响互动功能的因素之一。高平调"啊"是言者意图进入话语的提示性符号,功能在于凸显话语的施为性;低平调"啊"可视为交际驱动下的音高回升或持续现象,体现出交际参与者对话轮的把持
Tóm tắt Based on spoken Chinese data,from an interactional perspective,this paper examines prosodic features of "a" with the methodology of experimental phonetics and analyzes its various functions."A" functions as a discourse marker,which shows different acoustic features relating to the process of turn-taking.High-flat pitch contour shows speaker’s intention,low-flat pitch contour connects turn-taking.
Thuật ngữ chủ đề 话语标记
Từ khóa tự do Tiếng Trung Quốc
Từ khóa tự do 互动语言学
Từ khóa tự do “啊”
Từ khóa tự do Tương tác ngôn ngữ
Từ khóa tự do Đánh dấu bài giảng
Từ khóa tự do 对比音高
Nguồn trích 汉语学习- No.2/2019
000 00000nab#a2200000ui#4500
008081223s vm| vie
0091 0
0410 |achi
044 |ach
1000 |a王咸慧
24510|a从互动角度看“啊”的话语标记功能 / |c王咸慧
520 |a 本文从互动语言学的视角,以会话语料为分析对象,借助实验语音学的测量方法,考察占据独立语调单位的"啊"在交际中的语音特征及其功能。在互动过程中,"啊"具有话语标记的功能,它与相邻韵律单位的对比音高是影响互动功能的因素之一。高平调"啊"是言者意图进入话语的提示性符号,功能在于凸显话语的施为性;低平调"啊"可视为交际驱动下的音高回升或持续现象,体现出交际参与者对话轮的把持
520|aBased on spoken Chinese data,from an interactional perspective,this paper examines prosodic features of "a" with the methodology of experimental phonetics and analyzes its various functions."A" functions as a discourse marker,which shows different acoustic features relating to the process of turn-taking.High-flat pitch contour shows speaker’s intention,low-flat pitch contour connects turn-taking.
6530 |aTiếng Trung Quốc
6530 |a互动语言学
6530 |a“啊”
6530 |aTương tác ngôn ngữ
6530 |aĐánh dấu bài giảng
6530 |a对比音高
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