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  • 汉字教学中运用“联想识字法”的基本原则 /

Tác giả CN 李润生
Nhan đề 汉字教学中运用“联想识字法”的基本原则 / 李润生
Mô tả vật lý tr.87-93
Tóm tắt 联想识字法在汉字教学领域运用广泛而又充满争议。实践证明,恰当地运用联想识字法,有利于提高汉字学习效率,但如果运用不当,就会给汉字教学造成混乱。正确运用联想识字法需遵循以下四个原则:(1)对汉字形义关系的联想不能误解成汉字的造字理据;(2)联想识字法仅适用于部分汉字,特别是难学易错的汉字,避免错误类推;(3)联想具有多样性和个体性,个人联想的内容不宜随意推广;(4)形义联想的内容不能冲击汉字符号系统,以免引起学习者文字观念的混乱
Tóm tắt The Association Literacy Skills is widely used in Chinese characters teaching, but it is also the most controversial Characters teaching skill for the long time. Over past several years of teaching experiences, we discover that proper use of the Association Literacy Skills can improve the efficiency of Chinese Characters learning, but improper use can lead to chaos instead. And we realized the following three principles should be abided by in correct use of the Association Literacy Skills:(1) the associative explanations of the forms and meanings of Chinese characters should not let the students confuse it as the motivations of characters,(2) the Association Literacy Skills should restrict to teaching a small fraction of Chinese characters,(3) personal association is so diverse and individual that it is not appropriate to promote it at all,(4) the association should not introduce the symbols of other script systems in order to avoid the Chinese character system being mixed.
Đề mục chủ đề 汉字教学
Thuật ngữ không kiểm soát Kĩ năng giảng dạy
Thuật ngữ không kiểm soát 联想识字法
Thuật ngữ không kiểm soát 联想
Thuật ngữ không kiểm soát 字理
Thuật ngữ không kiểm soát Tiếng Trung Quốc
Thuật ngữ không kiểm soát Đặc điểm ngôn ngữ
Thuật ngữ không kiểm soát Kĩ năng đọc viết
Nguồn trích 汉语学习- No.4/2019
000 00000nfb#a2200000ui#4500
008081223s vm| vie
0091 0
0410 |achi
044 |ach
1000 |a李润生
24510|a汉字教学中运用“联想识字法”的基本原则 / |c李润生
520 |a 联想识字法在汉字教学领域运用广泛而又充满争议。实践证明,恰当地运用联想识字法,有利于提高汉字学习效率,但如果运用不当,就会给汉字教学造成混乱。正确运用联想识字法需遵循以下四个原则:(1)对汉字形义关系的联想不能误解成汉字的造字理据;(2)联想识字法仅适用于部分汉字,特别是难学易错的汉字,避免错误类推;(3)联想具有多样性和个体性,个人联想的内容不宜随意推广;(4)形义联想的内容不能冲击汉字符号系统,以免引起学习者文字观念的混乱
520|aThe Association Literacy Skills is widely used in Chinese characters teaching, but it is also the most controversial Characters teaching skill for the long time. Over past several years of teaching experiences, we discover that proper use of the Association Literacy Skills can improve the efficiency of Chinese Characters learning, but improper use can lead to chaos instead. And we realized the following three principles should be abided by in correct use of the Association Literacy Skills:(1) the associative explanations of the forms and meanings of Chinese characters should not let the students confuse it as the motivations of characters,(2) the Association Literacy Skills should restrict to teaching a small fraction of Chinese characters,(3) personal association is so diverse and individual that it is not appropriate to promote it at all,(4) the association should not introduce the symbols of other script systems in order to avoid the Chinese character system being mixed.
6530 |aKĩ năng giảng dạy
6530 |a联想识字法
6530 |a联想
6530 |a字理
6530|aTiếng Trung Quốc
6530|aĐặc điểm ngôn ngữ
6530|aKĩ năng đọc viết

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