Dòng Nội dung
中原城市化进程中公民语言能力问题分析与思考 = Analyses and Reflections on Current Language Ability of Citizens during the Urbanization of Central Plains / 王生龙; 王劲松. // Applied linguistics. 2013, No.2.
10-18 p.

We investigated the citizens’ language ecological situation in central plains by questionnaires and talks to seek information about citizen language ability during the urbanization of central plains.Based on the survey,we analyzed the conditions of the citizens’ language usage,language ability and language attitude so as to put forward strategies for language communication,language variation and language identity during the urbanization process,aiming to serve the economic development in central plains.

股票价格对货币供给的影响——基于美国M2数据的实证研究 = The Influence of Stock Price on Money Supply / 王劲松; 韩克勇; 赵琪. // Wuhan Universiy Journal. 2015, Vol. 68. // 武汉大学学报. 哲学社会科学版g2015, 第68卷.

76-82 p.

The fluctuation of stock price will affect base currency and money multiplier,then money supply,through influencing economic behavior of financial institutions,general industrial and commercial enterprises and families.There is a long-term equilibrium relationship between stock price and money supply,so monetary authorities must pay attention to the change of stock price when formulating and implementing monetary policy.But since the influence is weak,monetary authorities cannot bring stock price into the goal system of monetary policy.In another words monetary authorities should pay attention to stock price,instead of staring at it..