Dòng Nội dung
和谐串行理论:一种带推导的优选论 = TA Survey of Harmonic Serialism / 马秋武;MA Qiuwu. // Contemporary linnguistics. 2016, Vol. 18, No.3.
401-415 p.

Harmonic Serialism(HS) is a derivational Optimality Theory advanced in recent years. Following the classic generative phonology,this theory assumes that the phonological mapping is indirect,the surface forms are derived after a series of intermediate steps,and the number of sound changes in each step is strictly limited. But the difference is that it is still an OT theory,with an assumption that a grammar is one of the rankings of a set of universal constraints. Unlike parallelist OT(P-OT),HS strictly observes the principle of gradualness when its Gen generates the candidate set,and thus,the phonological mappings from underlying form to surface form fully reflect the process of harmonic improvement of the candidate. As a result,the winner that the grammar finally selects is a local optimum rather than the global one. Using the comparative method,the present paper first introduces and explains the basic theoretical principles and framework of HS,and illustrates its analytic method with some examples. Then,by comparing with other related theory,the paper points out the characteristics and advantages as well as the existing problems for HS,then demonstrates both theoretical and empirical consequences that HS may bring about,and finally concludes with a brief summary of the remaining problems and challenges that this theory will be faced with

股份转让自由原则再审视 = Re-examining the Principle of Free Transfer of Shares / WU Jian-bin. // 南京大学学报(哲学·人文科学·社会科学), Journal of Nanjing University No. 3, 2015
新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市 : 语言文字工作委员会 , 2015.
25-36+157-158 pages.

In recent years,the debate about the principle of free transfer of company shares has become an interest for study,with frequent occurrence of related cases. With improvement of judiciary judgment,legal practice changes from absolute denial of the legality of a business’ restriction of share transfer to making a difference between open and closed stock companies,and recognizing the legality of a business’ restriction of share transfer,which goes against the traditional understanding by the scholars,thus entailing a re-examination. It is legitimate that a listed company,as long as not restricted by law,should have its right to restrict free transfer of shares for such specific purposes as stock incentives,and corporate law theory should be modified accordingly.