Dòng Nội dung
从罗曼语和斯拉夫语看“给”的句法功能 = The Syntactic Function of Gei from the Perspective of Romance and Slavic Languages / 叶狂; 潘海华;YE Kuang;PAN Haihua. // Contemporary linnguistics. 2016, Vol. 18, No.3.
354-367 p.


动结式的致使意义和使动用法的双音化 = The Causative Meaning of Chinese Resultative Constructions and Disyllabification of Unmarked Causative Usage / 石村广; ISHIMURA Hiroshi. // Contemporary linnguistics. 2016, Vol. 18, No.3.
339-353 p.


成语“呜呼哀哉”的词汇化历程及相关问题/ 施春宏 // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2013, Vol. 5 (163). // 语言教学与研究 2013, 第5卷 (163)
北京 : 北京语言大学语言研究所, 2013.
tr. 65-74

This paper discusses the valence hierarchies of verb-resultvative constructions (VRC) and the issue of multivalence from the following four aspects: the constructing machanism of basic constructions in integration of VRC; the necessity and validity of the analysis of valence hierarchies of VRC; the generality of the analysis on the multivalence of homographic VRC; and the effects of the duality of semantics of VRC s complement on the integration of related structures. Based on these analyses, it aims to shed a new light on the issues such as the fundeamental goal of valence studies, the identity and difference of linguistic phenomenon, the capability of dscribing and explaining of syntactic analytic models, and the exception and counter-example in linguistic studies.

汉语动结式二字词组及其教学处理 =Two-character Verb-resultatve Phrases and Their Teaching, / 赵金铭, Zhao Jinming. // 世界汉语教学i, vol 30, no 2, 2016


That a phrase can be compounded directly by two verbs or by a verb plus an adjective is one of the most distinctive syntactic structures in the Chinese syntactic system,which is also a difficult language point for foreign learners of Chinese.From the perspective of the sources of verb-resultative structures and of the errors of the learners,this paper first reveals the difficulties and the peculiarities of this structure by analyzing the rhythm and the concept of the structure.Then it is proposed to treat the verb-resultative structure as a compound verb on the basis of an investigation into the changes and developments in how TCFL handles the structure,the advice from foreign teachers who teach Chinese,and domestic teaching materials.Finally it is suggested that this kind of phrase should be listed as new words and explained in Chinese textbooks for foreigners to learn,understand,and use.

汉语动结式在维吾尔语中的表现形式=Verb-Resultative Construction(VRC)of Chinese in Uyghu / 林青, 刘秀明. // 语言与翻译 = Language and translation No. 4, 2015.
新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市 : 语言文字工作委员会, 2015.
p. 52-55.

It is difficult for minority students to acquire the verb-resultative construction(VRC)of Chinese,which is used frequently in that language. This article investigates the usage, especially the types of referential relationship, of VRC in Uyghur. It founds that the corresponding expressions of Chinese VRC in Uygur language form a continuum from a coordinate verb structure to a bare-verb, which shows there was a process of grammaticalization from contentful to grammatical.