Dòng Nội dung
以逗代步 找回丢失的节奏——从The Isles of Greece重译看英诗格律可译性理据 = Retrieving the lost poetic rhythm:A poetic discussion after retranslation of “The Isles of Greece” into Chinese. / WANG Dongfeng. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2014, Vol. 46, No.6. // 外语教学与研究 2014, 第46卷.第6期
927-938 p.

The translation of English poems into Chinese has witnessed a development of more than one hundred years in China,going through three phases,namely,the phase of domestication,that of free translation,and that of the so-called"dunfor foot",in which dun,a Chinese term,refers to a lexical group of one or more Chinese characters taken as a rhythmic unit.Although the translations get closer and closer to the metrical forms of the English poems,an obvious distance still remains in between,especially in the rhythm constructed by metrical feet in the original that basically get lost in the translations.This paper proposes a method of"doufor foot"that is expected to actualize a more accurate representation of the metrical feet in poetry translation.The so-called dou,a Chinese term for a unit of a poetic measure,consists mainly of two Chinese characters.In this connection,a two-character doucan be applied as a major method to represent a disyllabic foot since iambic foot is the major constituent of rhythmic construction in English metric poems.The author has applied this method to the retranslation of George Gordon Byron’s"The Isles of Greece".The purpose is to evidence the translatability of feet in turning English poems into Chinese.

体现汉语韵律特征的分联小段 = Prosodically Divided Minor Segments in Chinese / 杨国文;Yang Guowen. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 3 (173) // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第3卷 (173)

36-45 p.


维吾尔语词重音的形式判断=Formal Judgment on the Uyghur Word Stress / 吐尔逊·卡得. // 语言与翻译 = Language and translation No. 4, 2015.
新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市 : 语言文字工作委员会, 2015.
p. 38-46.

The present work analyses the modern Uyghur word stress by using the theories and methods of syllable weight,metrical phonology and prosodic phonology. It determines the nature of the Uyghur word stress again,analyzing the implementation process and puts forward simple judging method of word stress position from the form of the word. And then the phonetic,phonological and grammatical factors that affect word stress implementation are discussed as well.

重音理论及汉语重音现象 = Stress theory and stress phenomena in Chinese. / Duanmu San. // Contemporary linnguistics. 2014, Vol. 16, No.3.
p. 288-302.

This paper reviews the origins,development,and current state of stress theory.It then discusses stress phenomena in Chinese,including a new analysis of stress patterns in disyllabic words.Finally, it discusses implications of the Chinese findings for stress theory.The study shows that there is a rich body of stress effects in Chinese, and the patterns are often similar to those in English,especially with regard to cyclic rules,the Tone-Stress Principle,foot structure,the Weight-Stress Principle,and the Information-Stress Principle.Such results not only can help improve stress theory but show that the difference among languages is less than previously thought,and that there are more common properties shared by all languages.

韵律音系学与汉语韵律研究中的若干问题 = Some issues on prosodic phonology and Chinese prosodic studies. / Zhang Hongming. // Contemporary linnguistics. 2014, Vol. 16, No.3.
p. 303-327.

This article introduces the basic concepts about prosodic phonology for the purpose of clarification,confirms the principles & methods of prosodic unit through discussion,and examines the application of these methods to Chinese.The article centers on the differentiating of concepts of prosodic phonology,the definition of prosodic structure,current major issues such as what is a prosodic unit and how a specific prosodic unit is defined,the mismatch between syntax and phonology,and the build-up of the prosodic hierarchy in Chinese.