Dòng Nội dung
《(重)标算法》述评 / 张连文. // Foreign Language Teaching and Research 4/2018

tr. 628-633

<正>1.引言加标(labeling)理论(Chomsky 2013,2015)和加标算法(Labeling Algorithm,LA)是当前最简方案研究的前沿理论与核心机制。强势最简论(SMT)聚焦于标签在有效计算原则下的确定机制。基于合并运算和特征一致性的加标算法完善了探测算法(Probing Algorithm,PA),重标(relabeling)算法确定了被选合并项的范畴,优化了生成语法的分析模型。由法国国家科研中心Ceccheto教授

《二语句子加工》介评 / 孙崇飞. // Foreign language teaching and research 2016, Vol 48, N.4

634-638 pages.

<正>Alan Juffs&Guillermo A.Rodriguez.2015.Second Language Sentence Processing.New York:Routledge.xxii+277pp.美国匹兹堡大学Juffs教授和佛蒙特大学Rodriguez教授合作的新著《二语句子加工》于2015年由Routledge出版社纳入"认知科学及二语习得系列"出版。这是迄今首部系统介绍二语句子加工的学术专著。该书吸收了生成语法、

《关系从句习得:加工、类型和功能》述介 / 姚岚. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2015, Vol. 47, No.4. // 外语教学与研究 2015, 第47卷.第4期
629-633 p.

<正>Evan Kidd.(ed.).2011.The Acquisition of Relative Clauses:Processing,Typology and Function.Amsterdam:John Benjamins.viii+244pp.关系从句(relative clause)一直是语言学关注和争论的焦点,这与其习得受多种因素制约有关。《关系从句的习得:加工、类型和功能》这部论文集的副标题明确强调了从不同维度研究关系从句习得的必要性。这部论文集除引言外共收集9篇论文,每篇独立成章。

儿童语言习得理论比较》介绍 / Ben Ambridge;Elena V.M.Lieven;姚岚. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 3 // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第3卷

352-355 p.

<正>1.引言自1960年代起,二语习得研究开始萌芽于母语习得,经历了外语教学中的对比分析和学习者错误分析等阶段,现已成为一门有自己研究范围和研究范式的独立学科(Ellis 2008;Gass and Selinker 2008)。由于二语习得研究广泛涉及教育、语言、心理、社会学等众多学科,因此它的研究方法也随着其多学科性不断发展,逐渐形成了一套科学、系统的研究方法。Alison Mackey和Susan M.Gass共同主编的这部《二语习得中的研究方法:

指量词的前置优势及宾语关系从句的产出优势:汉语二语学习者视角 = Pre-RC determiner phrase bias and production preference for object relatives:Perspectives from L2-Chinese learners. / WU Fuyun; SHENG Ya’nan. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2014, Vol. 46, No.3. // 外语教学与研究 2014 第46.第3
tr. 401-411.

English relative clauses(RCs)are head-initial,whereas Chinese RCs are head-final.English has article system,whereas Chinese is a numeral-classifier language,and the positioning of a demonstrative-classifier(DCL)phrase is flexible in an RC.All these differences make the co-occurrence of an RC and a DCL phrase difficult to acquire for second-language(L2)learners.Using word-based sentence production paradigm,this study examines how advanced L2learners of Chi-nese whose native language is English produce Chinese RCs online and how they choose to position the DCL.Results show that i)the production rate of DCLs with object RCs was higher than that with subject RCs;ii)DCLs tended to occur in pre-RC positions,regardless of RC extraction types;iii)when DCLs occurred in post-RC position,object RCs had the production advantage. These patterns show inconsistency with the Noun Phrase Accessibility Hierarchy hypothesis,but can be explained by L1transfer and L2learners’ limited cognitive resources.