Dòng Nội dung
“V个X”结构的生成:轻动词解释 = Generation of the Construction of“V ge X”:An Interpretation in Terms of Light-verb Theory / 王姝. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 4 (174) // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第4卷 (174)

60-67 p.

在"洗个手"这种"V个X"结构中,"个"与"X"无搭配选择关系,此种结构不是基础生成,是轻动词促发位移操作的结果。"V个X"结构的深层结构为:[vP DO[DP个WX]]。"V个X"结构的前身是"作/做个VX",通过删略"作/做"紧缩为"V个X"。紧缩的动因是为了制作一个与"作/做个VX"的命题意义相同但具有较强烈主观色彩的格式。"V个X"结构中的"个"是无定冠词,其作用是将"VX"DP化.

“呗”的态度取向及其语义基础 = Attitudinal Orientations and Semantic Source of Sentence-Final Particle Bei / 赵春利;石定栩. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 4 (174) // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第4卷 (174)

68-78 p.


“对NP的VP”短语的内部结构 = The Structure of Dui-phrases / 贺川生. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 3 (173) // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第3卷 (173)

51-58 p.

本文在傅京起(Fu 1994)的基础上探讨像"他对我的批评"这种"对"字短语的内部结构,认为"对"介词短语是完整句子投射的一部分,"的"后面中心词是形式动词的宾语经过关系化提升生成,然后形式动词被省略。"的"后面的成分就是名词短语,"对"字短语是普通的关系化结构而不是名词化或名物化结构.

“有+NP+VP”结构考察 = On the Construction of “有+NP+VP” / 徐阳春. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 2 (172) // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第2卷 (172)

45-53 p.


“有N”和“有V”的同构性研究 = The Isomorphism Research on “You N” and “You V” Constructions / 顾鸣镝;Gu Mingdi. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 3 (173) // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第3卷 (173)

104-112 p.

By applying the theoretical framework of Cognitive Constructional Grammar(CCxG),based on the current studies,the paper analyzes the discourse characteristics and functions of the constructions"You(有)N"and "You(有)V"from the view of inheritance links in the category of"You(有)X"to reveal their isomorphism.The current discussion is developed in three aspects:1.the parameters’ change in isomorphic constructions.2.the surface generalization for the explanation of isomorphism.3.the inheritance links and the motivation generalization.The paper also proposes new ideas in the terms of methods of Chinese constructions’ isomorphic generalization.