Dòng Nội dung
《二语习得中的研究方法:实用指南》评介 / 许恒;宫齐. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 3 // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第3卷

348-351 p.

<正>1.引言自1960年代起,二语习得研究开始萌芽于母语习得,经历了外语教学中的对比分析和学习者错误分析等阶段,现已成为一门有自己研究范围和研究范式的独立学科(Ellis 2008;Gass and Selinker 2008)。由于二语习得研究广泛涉及教育、语言、心理、社会学等众多学科,因此它的研究方法也随着其多学科性不断发展,逐渐形成了一套科学、系统的研究方法。Alison Mackey和Susan M.Gass共同主编的这部《二语习得中的研究方法:

《二语时体研究设计与方法论》述评/ 章柏成. // Foreign language teaching and research 2016, Vol 48, N.2



中原城市化进程中公民语言能力问题分析与思考 = Analyses and Reflections on Current Language Ability of Citizens during the Urbanization of Central Plains / 王生龙; 王劲松. // Applied linguistics. 2013, No.2.
10-18 p.

We investigated the citizens’ language ecological situation in central plains by questionnaires and talks to seek information about citizen language ability during the urbanization of central plains.Based on the survey,we analyzed the conditions of the citizens’ language usage,language ability and language attitude so as to put forward strategies for language communication,language variation and language identity during the urbanization process,aiming to serve the economic development in central plains.

小学低年级学生语言表达能力水平测试实证分析 = An Empirical Analysis of Test of Language Expression Ability of Students in the Lower Grades of Primary Schools / 姚颖; 石瑜. // Applied linguistics. 2013, No.3.
88-98 p.

Language ability is one of the great human abilities.Cultivating the students’ability of language expression has become an important task in language teaching and learning in primary schools.From the psychological and linguistic point of view,language development has its underlying laws.In the real language teaching,students’ ability of reading and writing often exceeds that of listening and speaking.According to the primary school language ability training objectives,with the students in the lower grades of a primary school in Beijing as the research objects,a speaking and writing ability test is designed in accordance with the language competence requirements to acquire quantitative statistics on the current situation of language expression ability of lower-grade pupils in primary schools.Based on the findings,feasible teaching suggestions would be provided.

港澳台人口普查中的语言数据分析 = The Analysis about the Linguistic Data of the Population Census of Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan / 戴红亮. // Applied linguistics. 2013, No.2.
19-25 p.

Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan,at the end of 2010 and 2011,carried out a census including some language use data.Among these regions,Hong Kong and Macao have conducted language survey many times along with censuses before,while this practice is new to Taiwan.This paper,having analyzed the language data of Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan,proposes that Chinese mainland also takes its language data into the census,in order to grasp the basic situation of language use in China as a whole,and draw up language policies and language education measures.