Dòng Nội dung
A further study on the interpretation of the Chinese temporal expressions qian and hou / WANG Canlong. // Contemporary linnguistics. 2016, Vol.18, No.2.
176-193 p.

This paper investigates the temporal interpretation of qian’front’and hou’back’ in Chinese. In Chinese the 2 lexical items qian and hou can be used to refer to not only the past, but also the future.These usages have been recently surveyed and analyzed by Cai(2012).According to these models,time is treated as either a moving object or 1 through which we are moving. Although these models can be applied to the analysis of the meaning of sentences.Time is a form of existence of all the things in the universe and the universe itself from a philosophical point of view.Human beings initially understand and indicate time through their observations of celestial bodies,the growth and death of the animated,and the position changes of the non-animated.Originally,time has no boundaries,but in people’s psychological world, time is generally devided into the past,the present and the future.The division is actually a reflection of human’s psychological boundary.Both the past and the future are relative to the present,and the present usually refers to the time of speaking.In fact,the 2 different Chinese lexical items qian&hou can be used to indicate either the past or the future as a result of a cognitive projection from their spatial domain to their time domain.Some of their spatial characteristics have a certain impact on their temporal ones.This paper shows that it is unmarked for qian to refer to the past and for hou to refer to the future whereas it is marked for qian to refer to the future and for hou to refer to the past.The distinction between the unmarked and marked usages of these two lexical items is very important in the study of the temporal indication of qian and hou,which was ignored by previous studies on the use of these 2 lexical items.This paper argues that the temporal interpretation of qian&hou is determined by many interconnected factors.In the last part of the paper,we make an analysis and interpretation of both the words with qian.

Conditions on the interpretation of the complement clauses of the counter-factive verbs/ LI, Xinliang. YUAN Yulin. // Contemporary linnguistics. 2016, Vol.18, No.2.
194-215 p.

This paper investigates the syntatic&semantic properties of “pretend-type”verbs and other counter-factive verbs in Chinese.It has been noted that the complements of the pretend-type verbs sometimes have a false interpretation&somtimes have a true interpretation.For instance, if we are given a struture like jiazhuang haipa’intentionally to be afraid’,we would know that it is false that the subject of jiazhuang is afraid.However,if we are given a struture like jiazhuang shuaidao’pretend that one has fallen down’,we would know that it is true that the subject of jiazhuang is the one who has fallen down.It is pointed out in this paper that the counter-factive verbs in Chinese share some common syntatic and semantic properties.The difference between the pretend-type verbs and other counter-factive verbs is discussed in the paper.The complement clause of the pretend-type verbs somtimes expresses a false proposition,and somtimes expresses a true proposition.In our study of 1,500 sentences with the pretend-type verbs as the predicates,there are only 30 sentences which don’t assign a false interpretation to their complement clauses.We think that the reason for the difference lies in the fact that speaker are willing to make counter-type verbs are lexicalization of conceptualized pretending actions,which can be studied from the perspective of social semiotics.

Formes moyennes oppositives et non oppositives. Brèves notes sur le grec ancien. / Tronci Liana. // Langages. 2014, Vol. 194.
p. 35-47.

Cette étude porte sur la relation entre l’opposition des diathèses, d’une part, et leurs manifestations morphologiques au niveau de la voix en grec ancien, d’autre part. C’est en particulier l’opposition des flexions (active vs moyenne) qui caractérise les trois systèmes temporels-aspectuels du présent, de l’aoriste et du futur que nous envisageons ici. Malgré les ressemblances formelles, les valeurs des flexions ne sont pas identiques partout, du fait que leurs rapports peuvent varier aux niveaux combinatoire et oppositif. Notamment, l’opposition des flexions est neutralisée dans les formes verbales affixées de l’aoriste et du futur, où, en combinaison avec les affixes --/--, la flexion est active à l’aoriste et moyenne au futur. Cet article donne une description ordonnée de cette différence qui n’est pas due au hasard et qui se montre, en revanche, cohérente avec d’autres différences entre les deux systèmes.