Dòng Nội dung
动词重叠的句法分析 = A Syntactic Analysis of Verbal Reduplication / 熊仲儒, Xiong Zhongru. // Chinese teaching in the world. shijie hanyu jioxue . 2016, No.2.
156-169 p

Verbal reduplication is not an inflection on the verb,in that the latter verb is a classifier borrowed from the verb.The borrowed classifier behaves in a similar manner to a common classifier:it can be combined with an NP or a DP,and is selective about the DP(e.g.,the DP cannot be indefinite).The classifier phrase headed by the borrowed classifier can act as a complement and take precedence in merging with the matrix verb.Hence,it has a complementary distribution with other types of complements in Chinese.It is argued that the borrowed classifier is not incorporated into the matrix verb,because the matrix verb can be aspect marked whereas verbal reduplication as a whole can not.Therefore,verbal reduplication is not a category on the same level with the perfective or progressive aspect

序数短语“(第)+数/数字串+量+名”中量词的隐现机制 = Mechanisms for Omission of Classifiers in the Ordinal Phrase “(Di)+ Numeral/Numeral String+ Classifier+ Noun(Phrase)”. / 王霞. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 1 (171) // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第1卷 (171)

59-68 p.

In the ordinal phrase "(di 第)+numeral/numeral string+classifier+noun(phrase)",the factors that affect the omission of classifiers include types and semantic functions of classifiers,characteristics of nouns such as discreteness and non-discreteness of nouns,or the bareness and non-bareness of nouns.Variations of numerals,cognitive orientation,types and change of ordinal references and differences of nominalization are also the factors that affect the omission of the classifiers.The phenomenon of the omitted classifiers indicates that language form doesn’t always fully match language meaning,and in the case of being semantically self-sufficient,the compulsory syntax rule of"numeral+classifiers+noun(phrase)"can be violated.

汉代汉语量词用法词典 / 郭先珍
北京 : 语文, 2002
234 页. ; 19 cm.

语法性与语用性——汉语名词短语作有定解读的实质 / 吴义诚. // 当代语言学 = Contemporary Linguistics. 2018/4 - Volume 20
p. 497-515.

Under the research paradigm of New Descriptivism(see Hu 2006, 2009, 2010, 2016, 2017; Li 2008; Sui and Hu 2016, 2017 inter alia), the present paper addresses the nature of a variety of definitely interpreted NPs in Sinitic languages, with a particular focus on the issue of why there exists a gulf between traditional grammarians and contemporary linguists with regard to the grammatical status of numeral classifiers. Having carefully examined the relevant data, I contend that the analysis of equat... More