Dòng Nội dung
Collaborative Planning in Process : An Ethnomethodological Perspective / Josephine Lee, Alfred Rue Burch. // Tesol Quarterly Volume 51, Issue 3 September 2017
p. 536–575.

Following Ellis s (2005) call for more social and process-oriented planning research, this study explores how learners approach collaborative planning tasks in the classroom as a locally contingent activity in situ. Drawing on ethnomethodology and conversation analysis, the present study focuses on a group planning stage that precedes the final task of delivering a presentation. Fine-grained analyses of the interaction reveal that group planning is essentially a nonlinear, social, and pragmatic activity wherein the students manage participant roles, resolve disputes and misunderstandings, and collectively work toward effective task completion. These findings highlight that, although the groups begin with the same task-as-workplan (Breen, 1987; Seedhouse, 2005), the students’ concerns are driven by locally constructed goals and plans-in-process, and as they work toward a group consensus they are required to deal with a wide range of social and interactional contingencies.

Design-Based Research : Redesign of an English Language Course Using a Flipped Classroom Approach / Hsiu-Ting Hung. // Tesol Quarterly Volume 51, Issue 1 March 2017.
p. 180–192.

Of particular interest to the present study is the feasibility of using the flipped classroom approach to redesign and transform a university-level English as a foreign language course. Accordingly, this article reports on a design-based research (DBR) project that investigated the pedagogical potential of flipped classrooms and involved developing a set of design principles for guiding the future practice of such classrooms in the context of English language teaching (ELT). The following questions were addressed in this DBR project: (1) Did the flipped classroom lead to greater student academic achievement? (2) Did the flipped classroom have a positive effect on students’ attitudes toward learning?

Images as a Resource for Supporting Vocabulary Learning : A Multimodal Analysis of Thai EFL Tablet Apps for Primary School Children / Sompatu Vungthong, Emilia Djonov, Jane Torr. // Tesol Quarterly Volume 51, Issue 1 March 2017.
p. 32–58.

In 2011, the Thai government introduced a national project, One Tablet per Child (OTPC), with the aim of supporting students learning in the digital world. The project commenced with Grade 1 in 2012 and Grade 2 in 2013. The applications embedded in the OTPC tablet given to each child feature multimedia teaching applications (apps) on various subjects, including English as a foreign language (EFL). Using the Grade 1 and 2 English apps as a case study, this article investigates how one section of the apps (song videos) uses images and language to create meaning and considers the potential of visual-verbal relations to support vocabulary teaching and learning. The article concludes with a discussion of related pedagogical implications for the use and design of EFL materials integrated into multimedia technologies: the critical role of teachers in guiding EFL learners use of such materials, the need for an increased awareness of the potential and limitations of images and visual-verbal relations to support EFL teaching and learning, and understanding the relationship between the multimodal design of EFL materials and related learning outcomes at different stages of EFL learning.